Excellent services

The goal is to provide the perfect recruitment experience to our customers


Start your reservation and complete the procedures through the website or contact us in a short time and in short steps.

Platinum Eastern Recruitment

Your best choice for your recruitment journey for domestic and professional workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Recruitment countries

We recruit from different countries that provide skilled labor


( 6950 ) including tax

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( 5700 ) including added tax

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( 7500 ) including tax

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Including tax ( 10500 )

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Sri Lanka

Including tax ( 14000 )

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who are we

Platinum Eastern Recruitment is licensed by the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources for recruitment mediation services based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In order to provide distinguished services, an integrated digital platform has been launched to simplify the recruitment process and make it more efficient and easy for our customers in line with the Kingdom's vision.

Outstanding customer service

At Platinum Al Sharqiya, we care abou recruitment to serve you through multiple communication channels and guarantee you an integrated service and a distinctive customer experience

Integrated digital services

Start your reservation and complete your payment through the website or contact us in a short time and in short steps

Follow-up and development

We provide all the capabilities to follow up the needs of customers and facilitate their work very quickly. We are also developing our services in line with Saudi Arabia's vision of digital transformation.


اليك بعض احصائيات العملاء الذين تشرفنا بالعمل معهم






خدمة العملاء


عامل وعاملة

Recruitment steps

Find out what we're doing...

Pay your domestic worker visa fees through government services in the bank or through the following channels

Request to issue your domestic worker visa in the Musaned Program

Choosing a resume for a domestic worker by searching for a support program by profession/nationality

Pay an optional amount and document the application for the recruitment of specific domestic workers after choosing the CV

Follow up the status of the application until the arrival of domestic workers at the local airport

Delivery of labor to the client

3 months warranty

Recruitment requirements

These are the requirements you need to recruit..

Visa issuance

  • Login to Musaned platform

  • Check your eligibility for a visa

  • Enter the required data and prove financial ability

  • Acknowledgment of correct information and payment of fees

Documents required for the recruitment of domestic workers

Please visit the Musaned Home Employment Program website from here

  • Visa

  • Selection Curriculum

  • A copy of the national ID or residence for residents and the number linked in Absher

  • Completing the contracting process through Musaned and paying the fees